There can be a number of reasons that can stop you from enjoying the games on our site. Please verify that all of the settings below are set properly and are functioning correctly:
Make sure Java/JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your Internet browser's preferences.
Ad-blocking software, home firewalls, or other security software (Norton, Zone Alarm, etc) may affect the site's performance
Temporarily disable any ad-blockers or firewalls you have running.
Check the Security Zone settings of your Internet browser's preferences. If the security is set too high, you will be blocked from accessing more sites.
Close other applications. Have other programs running can slow down or impair your browser's performance, especially if you are playing a high-requirement game.
This issue could also be caused by your browser trying to access an old and/or broken version of the page. To fix this please clear your browser's cache by followingthese instructions.
You may also have damage to your Shockwave or Flash Player plug-ins. Click the links below to fix your Flash Player or Shockwave Player plug-ins